Conversation between Ryan & Andrew in van...
Ryan - Did you know that Thomas Edison had a brother named Thomas? I can't think of his last name. But he was famous. Oh I know, his name was Thomas Jefferson.
Me - I don't think they were brothers.
Ryan - OK, but I read that in a book. I guess the book was wrong. But maybe they were best friends. No, wait! Thomas Edison's best friend was the guy that invented the car. What was his name?
Me - Henry Ford?
Ryan - Yes! That was him - they were buddies.
Andrew - That guy invented this car? (Indicating our van).
Ryan - Well no. Well, yes actually. But it was a wooden car. They didn't have iron or glass or tires just laying around back then.
Andrew - Wooden???
Ryan - Yes. All over.
Andrew - But how did they see out if the windows were made of wood?
Ryan - They didn't! They couldn't ride in the cars - there was nothing in them!
Me - I'm pretty sure the reason they had cars was to ride in them.
Ryan - Well, yeah, but they didn't have wooden windows. They just had big holes.
Andrew - And seats made of wood?
Ryan - Yes! It wasn't very comfortable.
You should be impressed I remembered this conversation fairly accurately!