Friday, May 31, 2013

Chicken Tales

Ryan came in the house and announced, "Well. I just had a talk with Red about multiplying!" Red is one of our hens and I assumed Ryan was wanting her to have baby chicks. I didn't want to go into the details of the fact we don't have a rooster and have to explain all of that. Thankfully when I asked him what he meant he said, "You know, I just told her 2 times 2 is 4!"

Sadly, last night Ryan's chick, Waffles, died. Ryan wasn't home and Luke cried and cried. He finally said, "Ryan will be sad. He can share the other chicks." Thinking he meant to share his chick, I told him that was sweet and Ryan would love to share Ariel. He quickly let me know that he meant for Ryan to share Jeffrey (Andrew's chick).

Thursday, May 23, 2013

I'm Waiting for Mine, Too

Ryan just seriously asked me when I thought he would be getting his inheritance. As I laughed he said, "What? Not til I'm 20?"
Don't I wish!

Sick Day

Poor Andrew is missing the last day of third grade - he has strep throat.
On the way to take Ryan to school, Andrew said he wished he could go because the last day was always so fun.
Ryan tried to help him with the following:
Ryan: At least you only have strep. You're lucky you don't have lice. If you had lice you'd have to take a bath in tomato sauce.
Andrew: I think you have to take a tomato bath if a skunk sprays you - that's not for lice.
Ryan: Oh yeah. You're lucky a skunk didn't spray you.

As we got close to home, Luke said, "Don't forget to get us crackers and Sprite when we get home!"

I had to remind him that he isn't sick, but he is enjoying crackers and Sprite as I write this!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Roundabout Help

I'm trying to get 3000 things done before dinner/baseball tonight. I just got frustrated (it happens!) and sighed and told Luke I was never going to get it all done. He looked really sweet and said, "You need help to make dinner?" I was surprised and started to say yes when he added, "I can go get Ryan to come help you."

Monday, May 6, 2013

You Only Grow Once

This evening Luke told me his stomach hurt. A minute later he said his head hurt. A minute after that his knee hurt.
A lot had hurt today and I had told him that maybe he was growing. I barely had the words out of my mouth again when he held up his hand and said, "Mom. Don't say I'm growing. I already grew earlier today."


During a marathon Uno match tonight I heard the following:

Luke: Mom. Play a yellow. Then I can totally do something to Andrew!

Andrew (with only 1 card left): Jackhammer! Oh I mean Uno! Sorry. I was thinking about a jackhammer.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A Feet of Strength

Luke just asked me this question...
"If someone is very strong, but their feet don't look strong, are they still strong?"