Monday, November 25, 2013

The Two Other Lukes

Luke commented today that "it's weird that there are 2 other Lukes."  Don asked if he meant there were 2 other Lukes in his class and he replied, "No!  Star Wars and the Bible!"

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Opposite of Being Hit with the Ugly Stick

Don was telling a story about a friend of his in high school that got smacked by another kid's dad for doing something rude. The boys thought it was hilarious and I said that "in the olden days", any parent could smack any kid that deserved it. It wasn't like today where people got in trouble for that.
Andrew said, "Whoa. So you mean a grown-up could go up to a kid in a store and hit them and say, 'You are too ugly?'"

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Andrew said this to me on the way home from school today...
"I don't know why but Emma keeps looking at me and sighing. She did it all day long."
After I quit laughing, I told him that she was either in love with him or really irritated by him. Don told him that it might be both.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hope He Got the Recipe

Ryan told me that they made "homemade" mud at school. Thank goodness - that's way better than store bought.