Monday, April 23, 2012

Princes and Princesses Galore!

We obviously watch Disney movies too often around here...

Aladdin's influence:
As he was getting ready for bed last night, Luke said, "When I grow up, I am not going to wear jammies to bed.  I will wear socks, pants and a vest!"

Luke and I were singing in the car today and "I See the Light" from Tangled came on.  Part of the lyrics involve being blind (to love) but now she sees.  Luke asked what blind meant.  I explained it and he said, "Yeah.  It was hard for her to see with too much hair.  But good she got it cut and now she can see!"

If you still haven't seen Tangled you may not get the reference but he is right.  Do me a favor though and watch it.  Do it now!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Sweet Dream

When Luke woke up this morning, he said to me, "I had a dream about you last night. You gave me bacon!"

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Good Cause I Don't Know How to Make Those

I was reading a book with Luke today about bugs. One said her favorite food is leaves. So I asked Luke what is his favorite food? His answer? "Not leaves!"

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Second Grade Soap Opera

Andrew asked if he could go to Jakes's house after school on Thursday. I told him that he had to be invited first. He grinned and said, "He wants me to come over. He and Ryan are going to fight over Bailey!"
(Ryan is not our Ryan and Bailey is a cute little girl in their grade).
Then he said, "Jake likes Bailey, but Bailey likes Ryan!"
I told him that was called a love triangle and he said, "Oh I know all about those!"

Monday, April 16, 2012

One Tail is Never Enough

Luke told me this today... "I want to be Aladdin when I grow up. But I don't want a monkey. Monkeys just have one tail and that is all."

Friday, April 6, 2012

Spiderman and The Blob

While we were out walking the other day, Luke asked if we could play Spiderman when we got home. I said sure. So he replied, "Good. I will be Spiderman. You will be the girl that sits there and does nothing."

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

And Get a Haircut!

While we were driving, Ryan spotted someone playing tennis without his shirt on.  He yelled out, "Put a shirt on, ya hippie!!"

Monday, April 2, 2012

Sort of Like a Snow Leopard

On our walk today, Luke spotted a bunch of ladybugs.
Luke: Hey look! There is a white ladybug!
Me: Wow. But I didn't see it - are you sure?
L: Yes! It was white! It was a snow ladybug!!
M: I don't think there is any such thing.
L: Yes it is!
M: Seems kind of hot for a snow bug.
L: It IS a snow one. I KNOW it is!! Or maybe it was a rock.