Monday, April 23, 2012

Princes and Princesses Galore!

We obviously watch Disney movies too often around here...

Aladdin's influence:
As he was getting ready for bed last night, Luke said, "When I grow up, I am not going to wear jammies to bed.  I will wear socks, pants and a vest!"

Luke and I were singing in the car today and "I See the Light" from Tangled came on.  Part of the lyrics involve being blind (to love) but now she sees.  Luke asked what blind meant.  I explained it and he said, "Yeah.  It was hard for her to see with too much hair.  But good she got it cut and now she can see!"

If you still haven't seen Tangled you may not get the reference but he is right.  Do me a favor though and watch it.  Do it now!


  1. yes, toooooo many movies! But so much fun. Sure was fun to see you two today. Oh, and tell everyone what Andrew thinks about sleeping arrangements!!!

  2. I told Kim about the sleeping arrangements conversation last night. She said, "he just came up with that out of the blue"? HE'S NUTTY!
