Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Don't Drink the Bottle of Yellow Juice

Had to spend some time in the tornado shelter yesterday.  At one point, I could tell the storms were a ways off so I told the boys to come up and use the restroom while we had a chance.  Andrew yelled up the steps, "Oh, it's okay.  I will just use the bottle down here!"
I don't know if it was the fun idea of going potty in a bottle or if he was too scared to come up.  Either way, he was kind enough to finally use our fancy indoor plumbing!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Princess Stereotypes

Andrew was so sweet and at a school auction, bought Luke a new Playmobil Snow White set.  You may be wondering why.  The kid is obsessed with princesses now.  Thanks Tangled!!
The set includes a bed for Snow White to lay on.  Luke killed me this morning when he said, "I not know why there is a bed.  Princesses not lay on beds.  They stand and look our their window."

Friday, May 20, 2011

Brainwashing Works

We were in the movie theater recently when a commercial come on that played All Together Now by The Beatles. Luke heard it and yelled, "Hey! This The Beatles! It on Yellow Submarine!". All of the adults in the crowd turned to look at him and smiled. I was SO proud!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Laurel and Hardy

Luke and I had a long conversation this morning and I have no idea what it was about or what I might have agreed to.
After a while, I started asking, "what are you saying?" To which Luke would reply, "what!"
I finally sighed and said, "Who's on first?"
Luke raised his hand and yelled, "I'm on first! How you not know that?"

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mother's Day Mementos

I had lots of wonderful items given to me on Mother's Day this year!  Here is a picture of a good portion (but not all!) of it.

I especially love the notes they wrote.  
From Ryan - 
Dear Mom,
Happy Mothers day!  you are so prity, and very nise, and your cookies are so god.

From Andrew - 
Dear Mom,
Your eyes look like grass.  Your hands feels like clouds.  Your hare feels like coten.  Your voice sounds like birds singing.  You smell like roses.  Thank you for being nise.  I love your bakeing.  My favorite time with you  is when we play bord games.  Thank you for coming today.  Your the best mom ever.
Love, Andrew

From Luke (a fill in the blank with his teacher) - 
My Mommy's favorite thing to do is...   stay home.
My Mommy's favorite food...  is a sandwich.
My Mommy always says...   I love you!
What I love most about my Mommy?   She hugs me and lays down to watch TV with me.
My Mommy is... 4...  years old.

Monday, May 9, 2011

This IS a Costume Party!

Today, Luke lost his mind to go to Target. Of course it doesn't take much to talk me into that so we went! I couldn't get him to take off his Power Ranger costume so he was all dressed up. I told him he would get hot and wish he didn't wear it but he said, "I suppose wear costume to Target!"
Wish I had a picture of his look towards me when we were leaving and saw another boy about his age wearing a spiderman costume. Luke and his new best buddy talked in what appeared to be a foreign language for several minutes while everyone around laughed!
When we got in the car, he said, "see mama - I was right!"
Yeah, kid, I know!

As a side funny... as it turns out, the real reason he wanted to go to Target was to talk me into a Tangled toy. I never get to go to e "pink" toy aisles so we had fun. He's killing his brothers by carrying around Rapunzel and brushing her hair!

Friday, May 6, 2011


Luke has been asking for days to wear the Chewie costume.  We don't have one and I couldn't figure out what he was talking about.  This has been going on for days.  And very insistently.
Finally today, I figured it out.  We were cleaning up the playroom and all of the sudden he starts yelling, "There's Chewie!!  I been looking for it!!  I found it!"
I look up and hanging in the closet is an old coat that belonged to Don's grandma!  I had a good laugh and then put it on him for a picture.  He also donned my Mother's Day hat that Andrew made me to complete his ensemble.  Enjoy.

Happy Mother's Day!!

Cheeseburgers Part Deux

Cheeseburger in Paradise came on in the car again today. Luke immediately yelled, "Hey! This Andrew's song! He like it!"
I said yep and asked Luke if he liked it too.
He replied, "You gotta be kidding! I like cheeseburgers and I like paradise!!"

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Harrison isn't Everyone's Favorite Beatle

Andrew and I were talking about how he is going to live with me forever and never leave me! Then for some reason, he says, "Well, if you die before Daddy, I think he is going to kick Harry out while I'm not looking."
***Harry is our cat that Don is not too fond of...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Can't Blame a Guy for Trying

As I walked in the house this afternoon, I heard Andrew say, "Oh I give up. There's no way to win a staring contest against Griffin!"
(Griffin is our bearded dragon - he practically never blinks!)

That's What I Said!

Last night, Luke asked me to watch a movie. I had a hard time understanding him to know what show he was talking about. Here is our conversation as I tried to figure it out!
Luke: We watch Johnny Time!
Me: What?
L: Johnny time!
M: I don't know that show. Who's in it?
L: Johnny time!
M: What's it about?
L: johnny time!
M: Is it a cartoon or does it have real people?
L: Cartoon.
M: OK so what is the story about?
L: Johnny time!
After many more questions and many more "Johnny time" responses, I finally went to ask Ryan. And get this, there is a show called Johnny Time starring Johnny Time and it's all about Johnny Time. Geez.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Selective Memories

"Cheeseburger in Paradise" came on the radio in the car.  I told the boys that it was by one of Papa's favorite singers.  Andrew immediately hollers out, "Hey - that's the guy that ate the dog snacks!"
Oh man, I had told them a story a long time ago about how my Dad had accidentally eaten a dog treat when my Mom left one on the counter and he thought it was a piece of beef jerky!  Of all the things I've told them about my Dad, this is the one that Andrew loves to laugh about.