Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Minions Would Be Useful

After a gross conversation, I finally told Luke and Andrew to talk about something besides barf.
Luke quickly replied, "OK! Let's talk about minions..."

Monday, February 10, 2014

Girl Problems

Conversation between Luke and I on the way home from church yesterday..
Luke: I used to be at table 1 at school but then I was at table 3. Then I went to table 2 then I went back to table 1. Now I am at table 3.
Me: Why did you move so much? Too much talking with Henry?
Luke: No. Henry and me decided we wouldn't talk at the tables at all. The other kids have to move cause they talk so Henry or me gets put in their spot. We are quiet.
Me: So you expect me to believe you don't talk at all at school?
Luke: Well I talk on the carpet. I can't be quiet on the carpet.
Me: Why not?
Luke: Sophia pokes me on the carpet. I have to talk to tell her to stop. Then she lies and says she's not poking me and I get in trouble.
Me: Sounds like Sophia has a problem with telling the truth.
Luke: OH! Sophia has LOTS of problems!

Monday, February 3, 2014


Andrew: "Oh I know what YOLO means - You Obviously Love Oreos."