Tuesday, May 3, 2011

That's What I Said!

Last night, Luke asked me to watch a movie. I had a hard time understanding him to know what show he was talking about. Here is our conversation as I tried to figure it out!
Luke: We watch Johnny Time!
Me: What?
L: Johnny time!
M: I don't know that show. Who's in it?
L: Johnny time!
M: What's it about?
L: johnny time!
M: Is it a cartoon or does it have real people?
L: Cartoon.
M: OK so what is the story about?
L: Johnny time!
After many more questions and many more "Johnny time" responses, I finally went to ask Ryan. And get this, there is a show called Johnny Time starring Johnny Time and it's all about Johnny Time. Geez.


  1. never heard of it but thanks for the head's up!

  2. That is hilarious. Luke was wondering why you couldn't figure it out!!
