Friday, May 6, 2011


Luke has been asking for days to wear the Chewie costume.  We don't have one and I couldn't figure out what he was talking about.  This has been going on for days.  And very insistently.
Finally today, I figured it out.  We were cleaning up the playroom and all of the sudden he starts yelling, "There's Chewie!!  I been looking for it!!  I found it!"
I look up and hanging in the closet is an old coat that belonged to Don's grandma!  I had a good laugh and then put it on him for a picture.  He also donned my Mother's Day hat that Andrew made me to complete his ensemble.  Enjoy.

Happy Mother's Day!!


  1. man, as Gaddy would say, that's rich!

  2. how long did it take to clean that room, it was a disaster the last time I looked...apparently, they just dig and dig in there and walk away! And when I ask Luke to help pick up he just says...."no"
