Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Dad Would Have Loved This!

We were in the van and the boys were watching The Muppet Show on DVD. It was the episode with Peter Sellars and all of the sudden they all start squealing and Ryan yelled, "Turn it up - this is our favorite song!!"
I turned it up and heard...
"Cigarettes and whiskey and wild, wild women... They'll drive you crazy, they'll drive you insane."
Oh man, do they love that song.
And yes, it was on the Muppets!
Don't get too worried - they do talk about h0w smoking makes you a fool. So at least it is an anti-tobacco spot!!


  1. Oh, Unc would definitely have gotten a chuckle from that! ;)

  2. Haaaaaaaaaaa!! I remember when Dad would play a song about Redneck Mothers and Hippies you-know-whats and raising H E double hockey sticks...

  3. oh I love it - ELM lives on.....makes me laugh!
