Monday, February 15, 2010

That Answers That

I'm sitting at the computer and Luke walks up looking very suspicious. I noticed a mess on his face and asked him, "What's on your mouth?"
He looked for a minute like he was trying to decide what to tell me and finally sighed and said, "Um, chocolate."
"And where did you get that chocolate?"
"Um, a box."


  1. Lukey is probably sad he didn't get to go to Nana's. When is that going to start happening? Poor baby.

  2. Oh, LK, I love the new picture! You and Don are sooooo cute. Well, Luke brought the same box to me the other night, with half a chocolate in his hand and the other in his mouth, telling me there was chocolate in the box. He had climbed onto the bar stool then the counter to get it! As Don said when you got home, I had lost all control!

  3. maybe in a couple of years, he can join us...
