Monday, February 1, 2010

It's All or None!!

This morning, Andrew looked at his cup of milk filled halfway. He glared at me and said, "I'm not going to drink that." When I asked why he replied, "Because it's only half full. I'll still be thirsty when it's gone." I told him I would give him more once that was gone but still he said no. So of course I argued with him that it doesn't make sense to drink nothing just because you want more but there is no changing his mind. So he had nothing to drink this morning! Funny now, but at the time, I was slightly furious!


  1. that child has his own logic. and it makes perfect sense to him.

  2. well, poor little thing, you are mean! Give him a full glass of milk. Of course, that's what I gave you and you turned it over EVERY STINKIN DAY...

  3. She spilled her OJ every morning, not milk. I remember specifically because Dad would yell, "She's done it again!! She spilled her juice all over my paper!!" It was OJ.

  4. That's why they still have to use sippy cups!

  5. Well, Les is correct, it was OJ. Give him a full sippy cup. CAN YOU SAY DEHYDRATED???

  6. the highlight of all of our mornings. jiminy. just ONCE, it would have been good to NOT tump the OJ over. Course, you know the OJ was diluted. Liquid gold, you'd think. LOL

  7. Yes it was diluted but guess what - I do the same thing to the boys! They don't need that much sugar!!!
    And they pour out most of what I give them anyway!
