Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Nothing to be Thankful for!!!

So far today nothing that funny has happened (it's still early, I know).
But like some radio stations, I figured it's a good opportunity for Way Back Wednesday. Here's a great one from the past - naturally I don't have it written down anywhere so this will help me remember when I'm senile!!

Thanksgiving 2008 - We were about to sit down for a wonderful meal at Aunt Marilyn's when Bobby started a very nice prayer. Of course it was full of everything we should be thankful for. As soon as he said Amen, Andrew opened his eyes, saw his empty plate and yelled, "I GOT NOTHIN'!"
When everyone recovered from the laughter we explained that at nice family meals, you start with an empty plate and the food is passed around. In the poor kid's defense, I normally put his plate on the table full of food.
Funny enough, but fast forward to 2009 and after the prayer, he opened his eyes and said, "I don't have any food!"
Much more polite this year!!! Can't believe after how we laughed and teased last year (it's good for him), that he wouldn't remember it!!


  1. One of the best lines of all time. By the way, you are close to senile, three kids will do that to you...

  2. the best andrew line ever (and grant and i still say it), said while playing pinball at lori's a few years ago: "Right down the middle!"
