Sunday, January 17, 2010

Let's Make a Deal

Don was taking down the Christmas lights and Ryan offered to help. He helped for quite some time when Don said he would give him a dollar for being such a great helper without even being asked. Andrew heard this and immediately offered to help also! He is saving money to buy a yellow submarine and is always looking to make a buck. Don told him that Ryan was getting a dollar because he offered to help even without asking for money and he said he would give Andrew 50 cents if he wanted to help them finish the job. Andrew thought for a minute and then hollered, "Hey I know!! Give Ryan 2 dollars and then it will be fair to give me one!!"

[Additional Note]
Ryan (having such a good heart) told me later that he wants to give all of his money to the people in Haiti. In his own words, "Toys are not what's important. People are what's important!"
Gaddy would have loved that quote!!


  1. that boy is so much like his mother...I am gonna totally LOVE this blog!

  2. If he was like his mother, he would inform Ryan (Lori) how much Ryan (Lori) had earned and then keep the rest for himself....

  3. no kidding. i was jipped in every babysitting job!!!!
