Monday, October 31, 2011

Taking Turns?

Luke and I were pumpkin bowling today - here is a conversation we had...
Mommy:  OK, Luke, it's my turn now.
Luke:  No.  It's still mine.  We get to have 3 turns in a row.
M:  Well, you already went 3 times.
L:  I know.  But now I am doing your turn.
M:  So am I going to get to bowl?
L:  Well, your turn is next.
(At this point, he takes another turn).
M:  So now it's my turn!
L:  Nope.  I need to do your turn again.  You not able to knock the bottles down.  I do it.


  1. Sounds a little bit like his Auntie Foof, making the rules up as she goes along..

  2. HAHAHAHA! We do that because we are WINNERS!
