Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Things I heard during Trick-or-Treat last night...

Luke (upon seeing a TV playing in the back of someone's truck where the neighbors were gathered around watching football) - WHAT??  You can have TV outside??  WHAT??
Andrew - You should give Luke a prize or something.  He just told those people they had a nice house!
Luke (dressed as Flynn Rider) - I just saw Tapunzel.  I tried to help her.  She not let me.  She not recognize me.  (Tapunzel isn't a typo - that's how he says Rapunzel).
Luke - I LOVE sugar!


  1. Flynn Rider is such a nice boy! I'm glad you guys came by today, he is the cutest dang thing.

  2. he talked a lot about Tapunzel tonight...
