Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Enrollment has started for next year and it's time to sign Luke up for Pre-K.  I have already teared up at this idea - please start carrying Kleenexes for me!!
Andrew heard me talking to Luke about it and told him that the first week of school, they have Howdy Day and the kids go on stage to say howdy and tell the school their name.
I thought Luke might say no way to this but instead he is already planning it.  He told Andrew, "I gonna say this.  I gonna say, 'HOWDY KIDS!  HOW YOU DOIN?  OY!'"
And yes, it was yelled at the top of his lungs.  Check back in August to see if he follows through!

**Just like Ryan picked up some old-fashioned words from Henry Huggins, Luke picked up some British terms from Harry Potter.  OY!


  1. He sounds like Joey Tribiani. How YOU doin? OCS will never be the same after the StoutBoyz get through!
