Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Random Funnies

As we walked into the lobby of the doctor's office today, Ryan took a deep breath and said, "Man, I LOVE the smell of this place!"

Ryan's football team had their last game tonight before the playoffs start. The ref had just yelled out that this was the last play coming up. The other team was quick and certainly able to score. All the parents on both teams were standing and yelling and much more nervous than the kids. Andrew chose that minute to finally look up from his game he was playing on my phone and yelled, "OK. Can we go to the car now?"
Not to leave you in suspense - they won. Undefeated in the regular season, thank you!

I held up Luke's jammies-with-feet to get him dressed after his bath, and he gasped and yelled, "Socks on those things!"
Don't guess he'd noticed them in previous nights!