Monday, August 30, 2010

Not to be Confused with Third World

There was an "illusionist" at school today and Ryan & Andrew talked non-stop about him on the way home. (I put illusionist in quotes because I was informed numerous times that he was not a magician but an illusionist. Someone tell me the difference!)
Andrew told me that the guy was not too famous, but he wanted to be.
Ryan agreed and said, "Yeah. He is Second-World-Famous-Ish."


  1. not only do i enjoy what your boys say, but i also apprecitate the title of your posts.

  2. where did Ryan come up with that????? I DO love those boys!

  3. Judy, I am also impressed with the titles - what a clever Cleaver she is...

  4. Well I have good material to work with!! But thanks!!

  5. ha! such a modern concept for the fella: b-listers! ;)
