Andrew noticed what he was doing and said he wanted to make one too. He came back from the office right away with his picture. And as he showed it to me, he asked, "Is this ok? I'm kind of busy so will this work?"
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sympathetic Artwork
Poor Aunt Foof lost her best friend Mort yesterday. I told the boys about it and they were upset. Ryan immediately went to draw her a picture of Mort to help her not feel so sad. He spent a lot of time - redoing it more than once (something about how his ears shouldn't look like elephant ears). Here it is...

Monday, August 30, 2010
Not to be Confused with Third World
There was an "illusionist" at school today and Ryan & Andrew talked non-stop about him on the way home. (I put illusionist in quotes because I was informed numerous times that he was not a magician but an illusionist. Someone tell me the difference!)
Andrew told me that the guy was not too famous, but he wanted to be.
Ryan agreed and said, "Yeah. He is Second-World-Famous-Ish."
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Tough Love
Quote from Ryan...
"We should really love armadillos but it's just impossible."
He just walked up to me, stated this and walked away. I'm thinking this comes from the problem we are having with an armadillo that is rooting around our flowerbeds and making a mess...
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
How Many Years does it Take Gum to Digest Again??
As you know from previous posts, Luke has taken to enjoying small pieces of bubble gum.
Yesterday, he asked for one just a few moments after I had already given him a piece.
I asked if he had swallowed the other piece?
He replied, "No. It just went sshhhoom and it went in my tummy. I not swallow it."
(There were hand motions involved - he kept making the ssshhoom noise and drawing a line from his neck to his stomach.)
The moon looked really cool last night - lots of fog around it. So I went back in the house and told the boys to go outside and look at the moon.
Luke jumps up and says, "Why? Is there a bomb?"
Saturday, August 21, 2010
I Never Liked it Either!
This afternoon we were in a parking lot and saw a van that looked just like our old one. I asked the boys if that was our old van. Ryan looked confused and said, "where?"
I pointed it out again and he said, "Really? That's what color our van was?? That's HORRIBLE!!"
I pointed it out again and he said, "Really? That's what color our van was?? That's HORRIBLE!!"
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Don't Think I'll Actually Put These on His List.
Conversation between Luke & I today...
Luke: I want orange snakes.
Me: What? Snakes?
Luke: Yes - 2 orange snakes for birthday.
Me: You mean like real live snakes?
Luke: Yep
Me: You're crazy!
Luke: Yep
Friday, August 13, 2010
Poop Truths
Today while Luke was having his diaper changed, he said "Poop is yucky."
While I tend to agree, we don't want him doing the weird toddler thing where they withhold it, so I started my "everyone poops" speech.
He joined in and said, "and Sammy poops and Harry poops and birdies poop."
I saw his stuffed animal laying next to him and said, "Even Squeakers poops."
He shook his head and said, "No him don't! Him don't have a bottom!"
While I tend to agree, we don't want him doing the weird toddler thing where they withhold it, so I started my "everyone poops" speech.
He joined in and said, "and Sammy poops and Harry poops and birdies poop."
I saw his stuffed animal laying next to him and said, "Even Squeakers poops."
He shook his head and said, "No him don't! Him don't have a bottom!"
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Amber Alert
Andrew was organizing a search party for "Puppy" - his little black lab stuffed animal. She had been missing for a few days and he was starting to feel a little desperate.
I think the pressure got to him... I heard him heading down the hall yelling, "It's the treasure hunt of death!!"
FYI - she was found alive and well.
Friday, August 6, 2010
A Sad Milestone (at least for Mommy!)
Luke slept in his crib last night for the last time. Moving on to the big bed. Sniff. (I've already had my crying spell so I'm better now.)
I told him this morning that I was sad - I want him to be my baby, not my big guy.
He smiled and said, "I is you baby. You baby big guy."
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Ye Olde Bait and Switch
This isn't an actual Stout Boyz Funny because it didn't happen to my fellas. But it made me laugh all the same.
We were at the zoo and a woman with at least 6 kids was trying to wrangle all of them out of the splash area and the kids were not cooperating to say the least. She finally had all but 1 of them out - a toddler probably around 18 months old.
I heard her saying something that resembled "Here, kitty, kitty" and she was holding a can out to the kid.
He saw what she had and came running. As soon as he was in range, she grabbed him and shoved him in the stroller. She laughed and put the can away and told him he couldn't have them. Turns out it was a can of Vienna sausages.
Poor kid!! I can honestly say I've never lured my kids with food and then not let them have it.
And if you are going to do that... Vienna sausages? Seriously??
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Yes, that is My Actual Skin Color!
I put on a two-piece swimsuit today to have a water balloon fight with the boys. I typically don't wear one - I need a bit more coverage!! But there was no one else there and my regular swimsuit was wet.
Ryan looked at me, grimaced, and said, "Wow. Your tummy is white, white, white. How did you do that?"
I can only imagine what Luke would have said but thankfully he was taking a nap!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Stating the Obvious Again
I asked Luke if he had his diaper changed during Sunday School. He said, "Yes, Her change me."
I asked him if he knew his teacher's name. He gave me the "you're-an-idiot" look again and said, "Yes. Her name is Sunday School Teacher."
Good to have Confidence
Yesterday, Andrew was floating around the pool on top of the life preserver ring. He grinned and told Don, "I am really good at floating."
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