Saturday, December 10, 2011

Pictionary for Pros

Playing Pictionary with Luke is difficult - partly because he can't read so he makes up things to draw.  You can imagine I had trouble guessing the following items he drew:
Worm mouth
A duck with 6 arms and 6 legs
A person with ears
Elephant acorn
A bug with 6 heads
A hand with no head

The only one I even got close to was the tarantula - his drawing did have a bunch of legs so I guessed a spider!


  1. do most people not have ears in his mind? hahaha awesome

  2. Most of the drawings were purely scribbles so I really think he just made something up when I finally gave up guessing. So water looks just like "a person with ears.". And why the child thought up that one, I will never know! They've all figured out my ear issue so I think they bring it up just to annoy me!
