Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hairy Requests

Luke has watched a couple of movies over and over lately.  The first is Quest for Camelot.  The main character, Kaylee, has a ponytail that she wears low on her neck.  Luke started in a few days ago for me to wear my hair like that. 
"You wear Kaylee hair!  You wear Kaylee hair!  Put ponytail down!"  (My ponytails tend to be high on my head).
I had pretty much ignored him but today he asked me particularly sweetly so I did it. 
Not an hour later, he started watching his other favorite at the moment - Tangled.
I should have seen it coming when he starting insisting that I wear my hair like this main character.  Rapunzel! 
Thankfully I have no way of growing hair that long so I really can ignore this one!!


  1. How can you not do what that baby asks? He is so sweet. Buy a wig.

  2. yes, buy a wig and please that boy! Afterall, he IS the tail that wags the dog.....
