Saturday, April 2, 2011

April Fools

Ryan really embraced April Fool's Day this year although he didn't really get it.
I was on the treadmill when Ryan & Andrew woke up and for at least half an hour, I saw them peeking into my room and giggling.
When I finally came down the hall, Andrew pointed a wand at me and yelled "Expelliarmus!"  Ryan then jumped out from behind the chair and threw a plastic Easter egg at me that had been filled with lego heads. Of course, it broke open and they scattered everywhere.  I acted sufficiently surprised I think.
Then there was a fake scorpion on the bar.  I pretended to be terrified and screamed.
The only one that was actually a good prank was when Ryan removed the toothpaste from Andrew's dispenser and Andrew tried for 5 minutes to get toothpaste to come out.
I think we would have had even more of these but thankfully Ryan spent the night with a friend!


  1. funny - what does that word MEAN?????

  2. Mom, You need to watch Harry Potter!!

  3. maybe I'll get it on my NEW KINDLE THAT I ORDERED SATURDAY NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited.
