Friday, April 9, 2010

Taste Tester

I took the boys to dinner the other night without Don so it was a bit of a madhouse.
I was trying to entertain Luke while R & A kept going to the "pickle bar" to get snacks.
Ryan came back with about 60 pounds of pickles. Luke asked for one and Ryan gave it to him.
Turns out he only likes one of the varieties that they have. Ryan figured it out and was giving him only the ones that he liked.
After Luke ate a bunch of the pickles, I asked Ryan how did he know by looking at them which pickle to give him? (They all looked alike to me).
He said, "this is how," and proceeded to lick each pickle until he found the right one.
Luckily Luke doesn't get how gross it is to have all of your food licked before you eat it!!


  1. I thought the story was going to end with "And Luke barfed pickles all over the table!", but this is worse!!!! You may need to break out the antibiotics...
