Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Fat Cherries

When I picked up Luke from church tonight, I asked him if they had a snack.  Here is his answer...
Yes.  We had a food kind of thing.  It was kind of a food thing.  It was kind of a cherry thing.  It was not a cherry.  But it was red.  It was like a cherry.  But it didn't have any fat.  And a graham cracker!

Glad to know whatever this cherry thing is didn't have any fat!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thankful and Practical!

Here is Andrew's "what I am thankful for" list that he did at at school...
I am thankful for family, vidieo games, friends, toys, Jesus, Gregor the Overlander, Racoon, samy, and a tornado sheltor because they make my life fun.

Breakin' the Law

I was doing a run Thanksgiving morning with Hayley and needed to pick up her race packet for her.  I printed a copy of her driver's license so I could take it with me to get the packet.  Ryan saw it on the printer and yelled, "Whoa Mommy!  Are you doing something illegal??"

Thursday, November 17, 2011

What did You Eat??

This morning, Luke got on the subject of how he got out of my tummy. Luckily, it's a fairly easy explanation since it was a c-section.
Luke: So they had to cut your tummy?
Mommy: Yep.
L: Did it hurt?
M: Not too much. The doctors gave me medicine so I wouldn't feel it.
L: Could they see your bones in your tummy?
M: Probably!
L: (Gasping) Could they see your food?!?

And No Mention of the Cat?

Luke was getting his tonsils out last week and the nurse was chatting with him before he went back. She asked if he had brothers and sisters and he replied, "Yes, I have 2 brothers and a sister."
The nurse just smiled but for some reason, I felt the need to explain that the sister isn't actually a person, but our dog!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

More Henry Huggins

Andrew was writing out his spelling words today and one word is "tragic.". Here is our conversation about it...
Andrew - Mommy, what does tragic mean?
Me - It is something really awful and sad. Like if someone dies, that is tragic.
A - You know what else is tragic? The book Ribsy.
M - Why? Oh, is it because Ribsy is lost and can't get back home?
A - No. It's because the main character is hardly in the book.
M - Well, the book is all about Ribsy so he is the main character.
A - Henry Huggins is supposed to be in the book. It's a series!
M - I know but this one is only about Ribsy and since he's lost, he's not with Henry.
A - Well I was very disappointed Henry wasn't in it more. That's tragic.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Yet Another Lukeism

Luke handed me his pants which were inside-out and asked me to put them "inside-right."

Funny Face

This is what happens when you say, "OK, now do a funny face!"
Luke is trying to cross his eyes but has to hold his finger like that to do it...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Things I heard during Trick-or-Treat last night...

Luke (upon seeing a TV playing in the back of someone's truck where the neighbors were gathered around watching football) - WHAT??  You can have TV outside??  WHAT??
Andrew - You should give Luke a prize or something.  He just told those people they had a nice house!
Luke (dressed as Flynn Rider) - I just saw Tapunzel.  I tried to help her.  She not let me.  She not recognize me.  (Tapunzel isn't a typo - that's how he says Rapunzel).
Luke - I LOVE sugar!