Wednesday, August 10, 2011

We Can't Go Back to the Mall Anytime Soon

I have to start this story by saying that we are not a racist family.  I swear.
Luke and I were walking through the mall today and saw a store that had pink mannequins.  I thought it was funny so pointed it out to him.
We then passed a store with silver mannequins.  Also worth pointing out in my opinion.
Then the sketchy part of the story...  We went in another store and while I was distracted looking for the restrooms, Luke noticed their mannequins and began yelling, "THERE'S BLACK PEOPLE!  THERE'S BLACK PEOPLE" as loud as he possibly could.
Should have seen that one coming.

1 comment:

  1. I'm still laughing from when you told me this yesterday! As I told you, reminds me of Mommy and Daddy shoe shopping downtown at Brown's. Leslie was about 3 and it was near Halloween. She had been talking a lot about "spooks". For some reason, as they were shopping, Leslie decided to talk about "the spooks are gonna get us" while there were black salesmen nearby. Mommy and Daddy were trying to quiet her down, but you know how that goes, she got louder and louder...
