Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Peanut Butter Poetry

Cleaning out some old papers today and found Ryan's 1st grade journal. Found an entry near the back that I had missed before... I am going to write it just as he did. Let me know if you need help with the translation!! :)

"My frend the penet buter and jely sandwich liks to run arounded every sengle day. He plays and plays and play till the sun gose downe. He lives in the jugle. He ets himself!
When he jumps stuff fall off. He is scerd of children.
He so silly.
I ate my frend."

Love it!!!


  1. I also love it!!! Reminds me of the "Stupid Pumpkin". You've gotta keep that forever!

  2. LOVE IT! Mom needs to cross-stitch it for you!
