Monday, February 27, 2012

Obvious Observations

Luke and I were taking the new puppy, Matty, to the vet recently. Since it was just us in the van, I asked Luke to keep an eye on her and let me know what she was doing. I don't trust her and figured she may try to eat the backseat.
My plan quickly backfired when he started telling me everything she was doing. Such as... "She's jumping on the seat! She's chewing on that toy! She's licking your hand! Now she's biting your hand!"
Yeah, kid, I sort of already knew about that one...

Long Tall Sally

I told Luke we were going to watch one of his cousins at her gymnastics meet. He has trouble telling the two sisters apart so he asked, "Which one is that? The long one or the short one?"

(In his mind, long means tall!)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Yo Ho No

I just heard this from Luke while waiting in the carpool line. I am still giggling...
"I need a police man costume for my birthday. Cause Daddy used to be a police."
When I said that he was never a policeman, he yelled, "Oh. So he was a army man! No! A pirate!!"

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

And How I Have Missed You!

Yesterday, Andrew opened up an ice cream sandwich he conned me into buying, looked down at it, and said, "Whoa. I haven't seen you in a long time!"

Friday, February 17, 2012

How Do Other People Tell the Difference?

Luke informed me yesterday that his lifelong stuffed animal friend, Woof Woof, is now a girl instead of a boy. I asked how he knew this and he said, "Because her ears are down. If a doggy's ears are down then it's a girl. If they are up, it's a boy!"

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Bluebirds Are Bullies Apparently

As we were eating lunch today, a bluebird zoomed by the window.  I said, "Whoa Luke, did you see that bluebird?  It was so bright!"He said, "OK.  Did it have happy eyes or mmeeeeeaaaannn eyes?"
I went with happy.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Please Don't Call the US Treasury

After seeing the commercial this weekend with the dogs that bark the Star Wars anthem, Ryan said, "I'm glad someone invented the computer. You can do cool things like put all those barks in a song. But you can do bad things too. Like printing money."

Thursday, February 2, 2012

It Does a Body Good

Luke's school gives each kid a dum-dum pop at the end of the day. Each kid gets to go in the director's office and rummage around in a basket for their favorite flavor. Don't get me started on how I don't like them to have candy for snacks! (And yes, I know I'm a great big hypocrite).
Anyway, Luke has taken to picking the "mystery" flavor. Today when he unwrapped it, he had a white one. I always guess what flavor it is before he tastes it. I told him I thought it might be coconut. He licked it, smiled and yelled, "Nope! It's milk!"
I hid the gag reflex that caused in me.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Luke was supposed to draw something brave for church.  He drew a "Knight Monkey."