Friday, May 31, 2013

Chicken Tales

Ryan came in the house and announced, "Well. I just had a talk with Red about multiplying!" Red is one of our hens and I assumed Ryan was wanting her to have baby chicks. I didn't want to go into the details of the fact we don't have a rooster and have to explain all of that. Thankfully when I asked him what he meant he said, "You know, I just told her 2 times 2 is 4!"

Sadly, last night Ryan's chick, Waffles, died. Ryan wasn't home and Luke cried and cried. He finally said, "Ryan will be sad. He can share the other chicks." Thinking he meant to share his chick, I told him that was sweet and Ryan would love to share Ariel. He quickly let me know that he meant for Ryan to share Jeffrey (Andrew's chick).


  1. What happened? :( I am so sad about that. On the plus side, I am glad Ryan knows about multiplying!

  2. The tale of the murdered chick. You handled it like a champ, by the way. You get the junior funeral director badge for the day! Holla!
