Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Luke was watching A Christmas Story in the van today.  (And thank heavens - he has been on a Mulan kick and has watched it on a loop for 5 weeks straight.  No joke.)
The part came on where the mom "accidentally" breaks the Leg Lamp.
Here's the conversation that followed...
Luke - Why did she break the lamp?
Me - Well she said it was an accident but she did it on purpose because she didn't like it.
L - Why didn't she like it?
M - She thought it was ugly.
L - Why did she think it was ugly?
M - It's a leg.
L - Why does the Dad like it?
M - I don't know?  Maybe he likes legs?
L - Why doesn't the Mom like legs?
M - Guess she just doesn't.
L - Why does the Dad even want the lamp?  They have a regular lamp.  I saw it.  I don't get that.